22/05/2017 The article includes a link to the 2017 press kit for journalists wanting further insight into the Capital of the Alps. http://pressreleases.responsesource.com/news/93295/pedal-your-way-to-the-perfect-family-alpine-break/

22/05/2017 The article includes a link to the 2017 press kit for journalists wanting further insight into the Capital of the Alps. http://pressreleases.responsesource.com/news/93295/pedal-your-way-to-the-perfect-family-alpine-break/
22/05/2017 Some great coverage for Shepherd PR Austria client OeAD, with the front cover story in Ecobuild News’ print and online issue regarding their sustainable construction summer school http://issuu.com/mcdermottpublishing/docs/eco_online_c118c98bf2c8e0?e=3270705/48790244
03/05/2017 The deadline is looming to register for summer schools in Vienna this summer, organised by the OeAD-Housing Office. Two programmes, Green Building Solutions and Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems are available – and both are taught in English. More details at www.summer-university.net