
We are very proud of our testimonial from Barbara Mayr, Programme Manager at OeAD Housing Office, Vienna

When we first met Jane Shepherd a year ago, her inspiring enthusiasm caught us right away. Jane opened a lot of doors for us, got us in touch with British stakeholders from the worlds of architecture and the building industry, and helped us establish a public profile with British social media and magazines.FullSizeRender

Jane also introduced us to important contacts at educational institutions and boosted our visibility with our target audience. Her numerous press releases, leaflets and social media posts were always compiled in a highly professional manner and resulted in broad coverage, an impressively high number of press cuttings and a surge in website traffic.

Communication was particularly warm-hearted, and the contact to Jane Shepherd and the members of her agency was extraordinarily cordial and professional.”

Barbara Mayr BSc,
Programme Manager, OeAD Housing Office, Vienna